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Download stock video of an overdose prevention center

Here you can download stock videos of an overdose prevention center (OnPoint NYC). These videos are free to use, we just ask that you provide a small credit to the website. You can download the full library here.

Shots of the overdose prevention room.

Shots of the overdose prevention room.
Shots of a garden and holistic services at an OPC.
Shots of the medical clinic.
More shots of overdose prevention room (including oxygen demonstration + inhalation room)
Shots of the medical clinic at an OPC
Shots of different elements of an OPC
Shots of naloxone and emergency overdose kits
Miscellaneous shots of an OPC.

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Download photos of an overdose prevention center

Here you can download stock photos of an overdose prevention center (OnPoint NYC). These videos are free to use, we just ask that you provide a small credit to the website. You can download the full library here.

The overdose prevention room of an OPC
An example of holistic services offered by an OPC.
The check in desk at an OPC.
The waiting area before/after people have used.
An oxygen mask that is used to provide people oxygen.
Safe supplies that people can obtain at an OPC.
Booths at the overdose prevention center.
The inhalation room at the overdose prevention center.
The observation desk in an overdose prevention room
Demonstrating the use of oxygen
A first aid kit that includes naloxone.
Injectable naloxone.
The exterior of OnPoint.
An examination room in the medical clinic of an OPC
Blood pressure cuff and other equipment at the medical room.
The overdose prevention room of an OPC, stocked with supplies
Case management services at an OPC.
Posters that indicate drug testing services.
An example booth at an OPC where people use.
A manual oxygen pump that is used during an overdose.
The observation desk in an overdose prevention room
Booths at the overdose prevention center.
The observation desk in an overdose prevention room
A wall at the overdose prevention center.
Demonstrating the use of oxygen
An emergency overdose response kit.
Naloxone nasal spray.
An example of holistic services offered by an OPC.
An examination room in the medical clinic of an OPC
A room in the medical clinic of an OPC
The check in desk at an OPC.
The entrance to an overdose prevention room.
An oxygen tank that is used when people overdose.
Safe supplies that people can obtain at an OPC.
An example of a needle and gauze.
Booths at the overdose prevention center.
The observation desk in an overdose prevention room
An oxygen tank that is used when people overdose.
Demonstrating the use of oxygen
Naloxone in nasal spray and in injectable form.
A garden where people can relax.
An example of holistic services offered by an OPC.
Inside an examination room at the medical clinic at an OPC